You Me At Six – Cardiff Great Hall, 1/12/18

The room is awash with You Me At Six merch ready for their show in support of recent album VI.

Marmozets are always a band that lands some mighty support slots but always a band that feels underrated and at times at the wrong show. Some minor crowd participation catches their eye but you can see in their eyes it’s not quite the warm reaction they’d want. With two stellar albums under their belt the setlist is always going to be first-rate and their passion is never amiss. Becca connects with the crowd and pleas they won’t be away that long again.

After proclaiming boldly that rock needs to up its game You Me At Six have given themselves a lot to live up to and doesn’t bode too well that the last time they played at the arena it felt somewhat empty but this tour has seen them scale down the venues but upscale their enthusiasm, pride and give the fans a show they’ve been wanting for some time with a mix of old classics and in what feels like an arena sized show squeezed into Cardiff’s Great Hall. It’s definitely got that intimate vibe as young fans walking through the door talk about how this is the closest they’ve ever been to YMA6!

Having seen the impressive rig they showed off in London it was a surprise to see it fit inside Cardiff’s much smaller venue and with the lights gleaming from being the band it doesn’t take long before room becomes a sweat box. Phones sway back and forth trying to film the sprightly Josh as he paces up and down the stage. The band spend the set egging the crowd on as Josh pleads for people to crowd surf during ‘Save It For The Bedroom’.

A quieter part of the set sees Josh bravely tells us about his late Grandma who he used to talk to when ever he visited Wales over the last 12 years and dedicated ‘Take On The World’ to her. We also get a little segment dedicated to previous Welsh bands the band have toured and grown up with from Kids In Glass Houses to Attack! Attack! to The Blackout – it’s a captivating part of the set and gives it that personal touch to the night. “The Welsh have character and spirit unlike anywhere else” claims Josh before bursting into ‘No One Does IT Better’.

When ‘Bite My Tongue’ drops later in the set it’s as if the DJ dropped the biggest hit of the night. People scramble from the floors, the loos, the bar to dance, what ever the age, in harmony before all giving it your best Oli Sykes impression.

The band have really made this show feel exceptional to the Welsh tonight – from smiles to friendly waves, positive vibes and a powerhouse set.


About Nadine 223 Articles
Soundscape co-founder, webmaster and South Wales music photographer. Forever traveling on buses and singing all the wrong words. Get in touch: twitter: nadinebphoto e: