Singled Out: Randall Lee Richards – Everything’s Gonna Be Fine

If you found yourself arriving at Randall Lee Richards’ latest single Everything’s Gonna Be Fine after hearing his previous party track You Had Me At Party, you might be surprised at the polarity between the songs – I know that I was.

With over 1 million views on YouTube and live gigs at the world-famous Margaritaville location in Daytona Beach, You Had Me At Party was an upbeat, fast-paced, bring your whiskey, dance anthem if there ever was one, and Everything’s Gonna Be Fine is much more of a thinker.

The opening to Everything’s Gonna Be Fine is in a word, beautiful. It has an orchestrated feel to it. Piano hits, soft strings, and an almost ethereal nature to it, while Randall’s legendary vocals are as good (if not better) as they have ever been. Between the lows and high’s Randall Lee Richards never drops the ball on singing quality as he navigates through the many peaks and emotional valleys of this hopeful song, but it’s the lyrics that really force the listener to pay close attention. Each well-crafted verse leads to an exciting chorus that builds on the story that Randall is trying to tell us here, and that is that everything’s gonna be fine.

Looking over Randall’s vast catalog of music it is clear to see that this artist has been a true songwriter since the very beginning of his career. Well-crafted song after well-crafted song, all shining in production value and writing skills, and always that voice of Randall’s, just an undeniably legendary voice.

If you are feeling in a reflective mood and could use a song to help you work through some of the harder thoughts you may have, then take a listen to Everything’s Gonna Be Fine today and enjoy the hopeful message to be found within.