Mumford & Sons – Babel Review

Mumford & Sons

I used to think Mumford & Sons were one of those fads that would just disappear after a few years. How much diversity can you get with an alternative rock folk band? Quite a bit, surprisingly.

Having caught on to Mumford & Sons after the hype and in-between albums where press releases dwindle and only glimmer with news of a new video, I finally decided to give their debut album Sigh No More a listen, and a few listens it took until I’d convinced myself it wasn’t a fad, it was impressive. Their debut album was inspiring, refreshing, something that could be enjoyed anytime and best of all it made a great present for family at Christmas time when you couldn’t think of anything to get. Well, Babel follows just that. It continues to mix the fast and furious with the slow and fragile melodies whilst never forgetting a catchy chorus, an ingredient you can’t ignore forget for commercial success.

The thing with Babel is that it does sound too familiar, it covers no new ground and seems that the darker side of singer Marcus, lyrically and vocally is missing (except for a brief moment in Broken Crown where ‘fuck’ is passionately sang). Yet Mumford’s voice is a still thing of pleasure. It holds on to you in a way that makes you believe in what the fellow is belting on about, it entices you to act and causes impromptu foot tapping. Songs Below my Feet, Broken Crown and Holland Road do just that.

These days it seems to be uncool to like Mumford & Sons but respect where respect is due. These lads have taken something that isn’t necessarily mainstream and made it just that, it’s a worthy effort and they’re playing it safe for now.




About Nadine 223 Articles
Soundscape co-founder, webmaster and South Wales music photographer. Forever traveling on buses and singing all the wrong words. Get in touch: twitter: nadinebphoto e: