City And Colour – The Great Hall, Cardiff 19/02/16

Whilst the dust has settled on Alexisonfire (even after their brief tour last year) Dallas has come along way from City and Colour just being a side-project. He’s gained a full band and somewhat moved on further personally than what Alexisonfire have done.

Here to promote new album The Hurry And The Harm, City and Colour grace the stage as a full band. Many have travelled for tonights sold out concert and don’t hesitate to show their appreciation.

The stage is set and there’s somewhat a tranquility to it all as the smell of incense captivates the the venue.

As they play into first song buoyantly, the allure of the light show is stunning. It’s simple but incredibly effective. What looks like stars in the night sky to begin with is dazzling and flowed along with the soothing vocals of Dallas is enchanting. It’s a pleasure to the eyes and ears.

As the night goes on Dallas’ vocals remain distinct throughout the hall. The clarity, the emotion, you can feel every note from the heart.

Many sway the night away whilst others sing along grasping hearts. It’s touching to see such an excitable crowd as older hits are played but parts of tonight definitely feel more like a social club than a concert as people around casually chat until they hear their song.

Whilst some might have preferred to see Dallas perform alone, the band, in truth, add an extra experience that may have gone a miss – a diversity to older hits.

City and Colour step it up tonight and prove why their popularity continues to grow and grow. You can’t deny Dallas’ incredible vocal talents and tonight is another flawless show. Everyone is won over.



About Nadine 223 Articles
Soundscape co-founder, webmaster and South Wales music photographer. Forever traveling on buses and singing all the wrong words. Get in touch: twitter: nadinebphoto e: